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April 04, 2003

[drumming diary] Under the hood

We continue on with pre-production for the Lindsie demo, and it's been an illuminative process in a lot of ways. For one, it's very odd when you've built a drum part that has a certain sense of development with the song, then you change the arrangement of the tune. I'm finding that there are aspects of things that no longer work, sometimes to a drastic degree. I'm going to need to rethink some parts before we commit anything to tape.

And then there's some other, related weirdness. For one, I don't think I realized how much we exaggerate the huge part of "Runaway." I'm probably dropping the tempo a full 4 or 6 beats per minute for the choruses. Which means we either can't record it to a click (not likely), or we need to speed that up, and then make it feel comfortable at that new tempo.

I still, personally, would like to record the drums in Steve's basement, but it looks like I'm getting outvoted on that one.


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