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November 18, 2004

[drumming diary] Coming and Going

I don't want to alarm you, but the apocalypse may be nigh. Last night, Abi -- who I've started rehearsing with again after a break of about two months -- asked me, the drummer, if I had any songs I had written that might be good for the group.

If any of you out there have ever heard of a band actually soliciting songs from the drummer, please let me know. This could be a first.

For anyone who doesn't know why this is remarkable, I give you the following "classic" drummer joke:

Q. What was the last thing the drummer said before he was kicked out of the band?
A. Guys, can we play one of my songs?

Now, I'm not one to perpetuate stereotypes OR drummer jokes, but it's definitely true that we're not generally known for our songwriting prowess. That's just the way it is.

On a less ominous note, I think it took me less than fifteen minutes to get the drums in the house and set up for rehearsal, with only a little bit of help on getting them from the car to the basement. A few more tweaks, and I might be able to do it even faster. I'm really, really happy with the way I've got the green kit running right now, although the hardware bag is still too heavy. Cutting down the pipe for the ride cymbal arm made a world of difference.


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