Okay, I give Avi a lot of grief over his contribution to between-song Diver banter, so in the interest of fairness, I present this little exchange from last night's gig:
Anto: We'll be playing all kinds of music tonight -- Irish, English, Scottish...
Avi: ...Amish
By virtue of being a bit more of a restaurant than a bar, and also being in Evanston, to say it was a slightly older crowd would be an understatement. Yet we still had somebody wipe out completely on the dance floor. The fact that it was a fortysomething suburban mom just made it that much funnier. She was part of a group that all had matching t-shirts saying "Life is not a dress rehearsal." And they all were wearing baseball caps. I think it was one of those roving North Shore soccer mom street gangs we're always hearing about.
I kinda feel sorry for the Budweiser-sponsored bagpiper who, apparently, had been to about eight hundred different bars over the course of the day.
As for the gig itself, we had a bit more width to the stage area, so despite the lack of depth, it wasn't bad. I left the rack toms in the car to conserve space, which made for some on-the-fly adjustments to drum parts. My right foot occasionally wouldn't do what I wanted it to, but not in any way that anyone would notice. We started off quietly, which made the overall stage volume pretty manageable.
Last night also marked the first co-worker to hear Diver, and the third overall to hear me play in any context. This is after 11 months of working here. I have no idea if that's about normal or not in the abstract -- it's pretty much par for the course for me, I think.
No News Is...No News
April 12, 2009
Here Goes Nothin'
April 3, 2009
More Cowbell!
March 12, 2009
He Knows Of What He Speaks
May 20, 2008