It sorta goes without saying that, if you've got a dozen or so songs to learn for a gig, and you're procrastinating terribly, that the last two will have lots of crazy stops and starts and half-bar turnarounds and whatnot.
Doesn't it? And if you're a songwriter who hires local backing bands, shouldn't you avoid that sort of thing?
The next couple of days will be an interesting test of whether or not I'm as good as I tend to think I am.
ahhah mere more ket sen edhe mos t shoh ty nejt mo0o me to0o :P
No News Is...No News
April 12, 2009
Here Goes Nothin'
April 3, 2009
More Cowbell!
March 12, 2009
He Knows Of What He Speaks
May 20, 2008