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May 26, 2005

[main] More Cowbell

A few weeks ago, a local radio station played an edited version of "Little Sister" from Queens of the Stone Age that interspersed Christopher Walken's whole "more cowbell" routine into the intro, which happens to have a really wimpy-sounding cowbell in it.

Now I'm listening to the first track from Audioslave's Out Of Exile album, "Your Time Has Come," and there's that same wimpy-sounding cowbell. What's the deal? Is this literally just a producer or two who thinks it's funny to throw that in there? It's so muted that it has no tone, and that just doesn't seem to serve any sonic purpose whatsoever.

This is a really odd thing for me to rant on, I realize, but if you're going to have cowbell, make it sound like a freakin' cowbell.


I want to know if you can give me a link to the cut together "more cowbell" with queens of the stone age. I heard it on the radio as well and I would like to know if it is on the net some where that i can down load it. thanks

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