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June 24, 2005

[drumming diary] Soundchecks Are Important

Still a little bleary after Cubby Bear last night. Don't let anyone tell you that you can skip soundcheck. By the couple of accounts I got, including those from people who matter, we sounded good, but you wouldn't have known it from the stage. Add in the fact that I couldn't see past Anto from the lights, and it's easy to create that alternate universe where you look funny at people who said you did a good job. Pretty much our own damn fault on that one, but usually I'm better about getting the sound guys to tweak it midstream.

As far as I could tell, though, mission accomplished, even if it didn't necessarily feel that way. The double bill with The Paramours worked pretty much the way I had hoped, and the Cubby Bear brass is likely to bring both of us back later on this summer.

One odd little thing I noticed is that The Paramours perform, while we pretty much just play. That said, I have no problem with the difference. Scaling up from playing in the corner of Irish bars was going to be an interesting proposition one way or the other. I didn't expect us all to start bouncing off the walls and lead the crowd in a singalong or anything.

The early load-in and late set, though, gave us the opportunity for some quality band discussion, in which Avi was heard to say "I like a durable medium." Context would only spoil it.


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