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January 15, 2006

[drumming diary] Jinxed

Okay, so this is what I said in last week's list.in.to.chicago:

Tony, Avi and I will be doing our thing as most of Diver on Friday at Cullen's. I can tell that this newsletter is making its mark when people ask me if anyone has tripped and fallen into the band lately. The answer is no, and thanks for jinxing us.

So, not only did someone fall into the band this time around, someone fell into the drums for the first time. Not only did someone fall into the drums this time, but a drunken 73-year old man celebrating a wedding anniversary fell into the drums. In the second song. I was not happy, and wouldn't even look at the guy to let him make his drunken non-apology apology. Until his party started plying us with Jameson, anyway.

Also, if you're of the female persuasion, and you're going to overtly ask to see whether or not the third finger of a band member is adorned in a certain way, and you're going to ask if the name of the band is what your dirty mind thinks it is, don't act all offended when you're asked if that last part is a proposition. You started it.


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