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January 02, 2007

[drumming diary] Gotta Start Somewhere

It's only two days into the resolution-fueled new practice regimen, but the idea is to find 15 minutes of practice pad time every day. If I can't find that much free time, something is wrong. Just a quick run-through of RLRR LLRR RLLL RRRR LLLL RRRL LLRR LLRL and vice versa (five minutes each way), then step through the sixteenths up to thirty-second notes alternating singles and doubles, starting with each hand.

I might switch over to the six-page rudimental warmup I cribbed from Steve, but that requires more attention. This I can do while I'm watching news or sports, which I tend to do for at least fifteen minutes a day. Multi-tasking!

I got the new double bass drum pedal for Christmas, so I'm hoping to get going on the kit and work on some sort of symetrical independence and interdependence exercises a couple of times per week. Hand-foot paradiddle combinations, that sort of thing. I need to keep this up, as I feel like my playing has been suffering a bit lately.


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