With nearly a month between gigs, and two recent gigs on a fairly brightly lit stage, I'm going to clean the buildup of stage gunk and venue smoke off of my drums. They're getting kind of nasty. I'll probably do it again in January once the smoking ban goes into effect.
I also finally "finished" the signage on the front of the kick drum, or at least ordered what I need to finally finish it. The original idea, back when I was in multiple bands, was to affix "NOTABBOTT DOT COM" across the top, then have the name of the band attached underneath with velcro, so I could swap it out depending on which band I was playing with at the time. The second part never actually happened, and of course, I'm only in one band right now, but after exhausting all the DIY options I cared to investigate with no luck, I ordered an office nameplate that should do the trick.
Hopefully, this will give slightly better indication of what the name of the band is. And yes, the tag reads "/diver" and will redirect to the Diver site. Because I'm that much of a geek.
Now I just need to make the Diver site not suck.
No News Is...No News
April 12, 2009
Here Goes Nothin'
April 3, 2009
More Cowbell!
March 12, 2009
He Knows Of What He Speaks
May 20, 2008