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April 12, 2009

[drumming diary] No News Is...No News

Jim DeRogatis re-posted Billy Corgan's latest web manifesto, and while I haven't been contacted in any way regarding the drummer auditions that are apparently starting on Tuesday, that apparently doesn't mean the end:

We've received a staggering amount of submissions so far (over 1,000!), so let me say to everyone who has submitted thank you and God Bless you for having the courage to throw your name out there. The auditions on the 14th are just the first round of trying people out. There is no 'hurry' at the moment, as I'm not quite ready to record yet, and it's possible I may need more than one drummer for what my plans are. So for someone who may think they would never get a chance there is still time in the months ahead to keep trying. I view it as a process to find the right person(s) and it's important that the right consideration is given.

That first sentence is exactly what I expected from this process -- a statement that could read as a thinly veiled message to Jimmy Chamberlin about how many other people DO want to be in Billy's band, thankyouverymuch.

Now that I have such copious amounts of free time, it would be in my best interests to maybe make some inquiries and see if I have any sort of musical networking mojo left.


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