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August 19, 2002

Play-by-play on the play-by-play

Big weekend all around. The Lindsie Reitz gig went well. Although we didn't play our best, technically, it was mostly little things that no one who wasn't on stage would ever notice. The vibe was there, all around. The Mini Disc came out much better than the last one as well, so that's a good and happy thing.

And I can now say that I am a sports broadcaster. I'll get into it more on the soccer page sometime this week, but my radio play-by-play debut in New England went as well as could be expected. I stumbled, sure, but amongst the misidentified players, and stadiums, I seemed to find a decent rhythm and get the point across. Hopefully, this is something I can build on...could Sportscenter be far behind?


You could send me into space a few times, too, but I don't think that would make me an astronaut.

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