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August 25, 2002

Thinking out loud

I'm still struggling with this space here. I don't read a lot of blogs, but I've read some that are stunningly insightful, and more that are staggeringly mundane. I'd be hard-pressed to imagine that anyone is interested in what I had for breakfast. And yet, the most interesting thing that happened last week was that I hooked up a second computer in my office. Given my employment status, I should have plenty of time to ruminate on deep thoughts and issues, but at the same time, I'm trying to take it easy for a while. No heavy lifting, no epiphanies.

Some of this is simply procedural. Scratch that, I'm a process junkie and I know it, so all of it is procedural. For instance, I could talk about the Victor Wooten show, but wouldn't that be more appropriate as a concert review, or in the recap of the shows newsletter? There's last night's Fire game, but I've got a soccer column that allegedly goes out weekly, even though the third installment is already several days late. So I write nothing, and then write about nothing.

Until I figure this out, there will be flailing. There will be meandering. There will be odd mouse and keyboard behaviors due to a KVM switch (hey, I said at the outset that the second computer was big news). There's a voice to be found here, somewhere. I'm as curious as the next person as to what it is and how soon it will manifest itself.


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