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September 18, 2002

Cheesy rock songs 2, Coz 0

So I played this four-hour cover band gig with The Ripleys on Tuesday, and I'm somewhat chagrined to report that my musical dignity is already out the window. I'm barely into this professional musician thing, and already I've played "The Joker" and "Brown-Eyed Girl." I don't have to tell you who sings them. You know already. Now, to be fair, I don't actually dislike either of those two songs. It's just that there is no compelling reason for either of them to ever be played again. Anywhere. They've reached their quota I'd add "Y.M.C.A." to that list, with the caveat that I would actually refuse to play that one if confronted with it on a gig. Unless the pay was really good.

The sidenote to all of this is that, for the eight days starting last Sunday, I will have been either rehearsing or performing with someone for seven of them, and the off day is a Fire game, where I'll be pounding away behind the north goal for two hours straight. This is a positive development of the highest order, although in the weeks and months ahead, I maybe need to tweak the rehearsal-to-paying-gig ratio. No word yet on the European opportunity in November, although I realized tonight that I may have commited to a show with Marigold Engine during that stretch. All this has me thinking that I should really build out the Coz Music section of the site, more for my own amusement than anything else.

Naturally, while all of this seems to be ramping up, I suddenly find myself with a couple of day job leads. I finally got a response to a résumé that I sent out today (that is, I got the response today; I threw my hat in that ring two or three weeks back), and a position I was pursuing through "inside channels" may have yielded some results as well. It's not inconceivable that I could juggle my current musical load with full-time employment, but if that does happen, you may want to buy stock in Dunkin Donuts, 7-11, and anyone else who sells good coffee that won't burn through your stomach lining as quickly as Starbucks will.



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