Apparently there's a new movie starring Madonna coming out today. What's interesting is that I had absolutely no idea this was happening. The surprise isn't borne out of any kind of disappointment. I really couldn't care less. What I find fascinating is that the Hollywood marketing machine seems to have correctly predicted, by my media habits, that I couldn't care less. I haven't seen a single commercial on television for this flick. In my world, the only movies hitting theaters soon are "Knockaround Guys," "Abandon," and "Ghost Ship." Of course, in my world, I probably won't actually go see any of them, except maybe the first one.
In other news, today should be an interesting experiment in sleep, consumption and inertia. On Wednesday, I was wondering if my general lethargy was a direct result of both being out late and having a few drinks for Open Mike night at Vaughan's, as opposed to several other days this week when I was horribly productive. While that would seem to be the obvious cause and effect, I think it's more random than that. The nice thing is that I can respond to these days where I don't especially feel like doing anything by, well, not doing anything. However, the time off is getting a bit old. My burn rate is also a bit higher than I'd like, but that's due to a couple of larger necessities, like brake pads. And Peter Gabriel tickets, which I will argue as necessary. Anyway, more streams of income would be good right now, and there was a job interview to that effect a week ago, so we'll see what happens. is not spamming you -- please read
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Housekeeping note
January 2, 2014
Slacker Profiteering
July 7, 2013
In My Defense
June 20, 2013
When A Foul Isn't A Foul
February 5, 2013
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