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October 20, 2002

Wreaking havoc

So, I taught a 3-year old how to say "wreaking havoc" today. It's the little things that get you by.

I don't know if it's something in the air or what, but I seem somewhat more attuned to the opposite sex these days. It could just be that I happen to be meeting a bunch of new people lately, and, just out of sheer probability, some of those people are women roughly my age with somewhat similar interests (or not), and I'm suffering under the delusion that I stand some kind of chance with any or all of them. But that would be defeatist thinking, so I'll just stick with the rosier outlook. Not to be confused with the Rosie outlook, which is no longer available on a magazine rack near you.

Then, sometimes, there are situations that look like they might sneak up on you. Of course, by "looking like" they're sneaking up on you, they're not sneaking up on you at all, but that's not the point. You know what I'm talking about. There's someone you know well, and suddenly there's something different between you, which may just be a tasty fermented beverage of some sort, so you have to be careful when you proceed or risk mucking everything up, but maybe it's real and worth it.

So I'm stepping into the personal realm now, but I'm not comfortable at all doing it, so I'm being obtuse, but probably not obtuse enough to actually protect anyone's identities for those closer to the situation. We'll see how that goes.

On the less personal front, or the less-difficult-to-talk-about personal front, I was once again reminded of what a wonderful album Genesis' Abacab is as I drove back from watching MLS Cup in Oswego. Sometimes I have no problem at all showing my eighties prog rock leanings, and this is one of them. Now I have to figure out whether or not I can appropriate any of those songs for open mike.

And happy birthday, mom!


Another viewpoint:

I am of the opinion that, when it comes to the fairer sex, you can't screw anything up. They either dig us apes or they don't, and they know within 5 minutes of meeting our sorry asses. With that knowledge now in the handbook on how women work (which for those keeping score, is one page and says, "Give up now. You'll never discover our secrets, and we'll never tell."), you should feel confident to just dive in and either reap the benefits of your gamble, or take your lumps like a man. Either way, the mystery is solved, and you save yourself days/weeks of walking on egg shells. Besides, how many girl "friends" do you really want/need ?


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