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December 15, 2002

The pros and cons of roommating

My roommate Amanda is embarking upon a career change into interior design, which includes going back to school. What this also entails is lots of homework time, particularly on weekends and the few nights she actually doesn't have class. While, on the one hand, this can preclude my sitting on the couch and arbitrarily watching TV, you can argue that such activity isn't actually in my best interest anyway, so the end result is that her impending final projects are helping me get shit done. Right now, that means cleaning my desk, although the biggest upshot of that particular task is that one of her cats will have more to explore and less to knock over when he decides to "visit" me while I'm working/surfing/killing time.

Next up is attacking other parts of the office, not to be confused with the primary stadium for the Jamaican National Soccer Team. I don't remember if Joe Public is from Jamaica or from Trinidad & Tobego, but if it is Jamaica, they've got all the fun soccer names. But back on the topic of my imminent cleaning spree, it'll have to be kept moderately short, as I'm finally going to go see that Harry Potter flick. This looks to be an uncharacteristically busy movie season for me right now, as there are three or four current offerings that, if I can use this phrase without sounding either archaic or effeminate, tickle my fancy.

Okay, I can't use that phrase. Never mind.

The downside of seeing that particular movie is that it means the other plans for the evening fell through, although those particular other plans are being more postponed than cancelled.


Saw that you saw us at Elbo Room a few months back...We've put out a little 3-song teaser since then. If you want a copy to get down to, email jayhj@2tonlevy.com and he'll get you one.


Thanks, Paul. I got one from Jayh on Friday in Rolling Meadows. Sorry I couldn't stick around longer, but I was already stretching myself really thin that night.

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