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January 05, 2003

Ringing in the new, literally

After a two week layoff, it was back on the (indoor, or course) soccer field for the first match of the 2003. Our Friday league is such that, after we play our three scheduled matches, we stick around and rent the field for another hour for a pickup game. Now, the facility also has a bar, and there's a group that usually rents it for the hour immediately following our games, so there's a fair amount of downtime before we get started that can be conveniently filled with alcohol. Which occasionally makes the after-game interesting. This time, it made the game excessively sloppy, with no less than four players coming off with injuries. As for me, I got my bell rung, clock cleaned, and apparently my euphemisms reset. Defending a player a bit too close, and he turned into me with his head smashing into my face. Two days later, there's still some lingering headache and a fat lip, but I don't think I have a concussion or anything, contrary to how I was feeling immediately thereafter.

Pain via soccer was in the air, though, as on Friday the Fire were forced to deal away the only captain they've ever had, Peter Nowak, to the New England Revolution for a "conditional" draft pick in 2004 in order to get under the salary cap. If that's all we could get for Nowak, I'm afraid to think of what kinds of deals General Manager Peter Wilt turned down. It's a sad time for the Fire, but ultimately, my own opinion is that the team will find a way to make up for his loss. The league is definitely getting more competitive, though, and as such the team can't get caught standing still, or even stepping back just a bit.

We'll see how long I can stave off this end-of-year retrospective, which is becoming something of an annual event. Not the review as much as the procrastination.


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