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January 25, 2003

Just A Thought

I heard something on the radio about Iraqi soldiers getting brand new protective gear, and this made me wonder...if Iraq DOES have active biological and chemical weapons, and the inspectors can't find them, can you make the case that the only way to prove it is to force Hussein to use them in retaliation to an attack? It's a hell of a way to say "I told you so," but it's still out there.

Found another glitch in the drum tracks from Thursday night, directly attributable to the lack of a click. One fill in, anticipated just enough to be very, very noticeable once we started overdubbing. That said, as long as the rest of the band makes a concerted effort to speed up a tiny bit at the same time, most people probably won't notice that one, either.

Soccer last night was a bit disappointing. We have a sudden influx of players who were part of this team six months to a year ago, so a lot of the familiarity we had built over the last couple of months flew out the window. As a result, we found ourselves down 4-1 in the first half. Second half improvments saw us win that stanza 2-1, which is at least some degree of consolation. I had a stretch of solid play up top, and a good run in defense towards the end that made up for a little bit of disorientation earlier on.


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