Apparently, the "Dude, you're getting a Dell guy" was busted for marijuana possession. Part of me regrets not watching late-night TV last night to see if anyone actually got any good jokes out of it. I'll check up on Jon Stewart with the afternoon re-run. One would assume the wisecracks would write themselves, but I've got nothin'.
Inexplicably, I wound up at karaoke bars both Friday and Saturday nights. Actually, Friday was explicable, as there was a girl involved. That is the only excuse I can throw out there, especially since we're talking about a bar way the hell out in the 'burbs, but just a short jaunt northwest of where I play soccer on Fridays anyway. What was funny was that I go all the way out to Barrington, and bump into some friends at a bar I've never been to and never even knew existed. Saturday morphed from an attempt to go see an 80s hair-metal cover band called Hairbanger's Ball. There was a line to the end of the block, so we sought other options. Unfortunately, the Hidden Cove caters primarily to its regular customers, so despite being there for over three hours, our party got exactly one song in, Larry giving his most on Whitesnake's "Here I Go Again." Not quite giving his all, but entertaining. And I started to corrupt my roommate by keeping her out until 3am, at a bar, no less. Historically, that's not her scene, but it was good to bring her into my various circles of friends.
Elsewhere, I got through a bunch of exercises on drums while waiting for the band a mere twelve hours later, which had an immediate positive effect on my playing. I'm going to try to write up some of what I'm doing for the drumming page. is not spamming you -- please read
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Housekeeping note
January 2, 2014
Slacker Profiteering
July 7, 2013
In My Defense
June 20, 2013
When A Foul Isn't A Foul
February 5, 2013
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