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February 14, 2003

Feel the love

For a while, I was down with the anti-Valentine's day sentiment, mostly due to bitter cynicism and an abject lack of a dating life. But a funny thing happened over time, and that's the over-commercialization of the backlash against the holiday. Particularly in the circles I tend to travel, it's gotten completely out of hand, overhyped to the point where I almost want to celebrate the holiday to spite those out to spite the holiday. Which isn't to say I'll make a point of learing "Love Stinks" from J. Geils for next week's open mike, but still, it's gotten really tiring. So have a Happy Valentine's Day, dammit, and quit your whining.

Meanwhile, Nitrous Foxide appears to be breaking apart in stunningly explosive fashion. While I have been involved in the proceedings, this is the first band ending that I didn't really have a hand in. This slims the dance card for the Rhythm Section of Doom in the near-term, but it may be the impetus for us to get cracking as backing band-for-hire. We've already got a couple of prospects in that regard, so I'm not going to abandon this notion of making a significant percentage of my income as a musician.

I probably need to add something somewhere else on the site, but the emotional drain of the band stuff, along with three or four loads of laundry, are providing a nice big distraction.


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