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March 21, 2003

Targets of opportunity

It's amazing what massive amounts of uncertainty will do to your psyche. Really. On social, fiscal, and global fronts, I don't even know which end is up anymore. Some doors open, but in opening, other doors are either blocked or closed. The thing is, I can see a path through all of this, but I'm becoming so used to the uncertainty, or the vague promise of some vestigial paths OUT of the uncertainty, that I'm second-guessing things before they even happen.

Or, I got up way too early this morning. Take your pick.

The long and short of it is, opportunities are presenting themselves. Once I take a better look at them, the decisions should present themselves as well, but I'm not at or near that point yet. So in the meantime, I've developed an awfully twitchy eyelid and a need to accompany my late-night web surfing and deletion of huge blocks of text vying for this space with a 24-ounce bottle of Beck's Dark.

These things will work themselves out. They always do. Or, rather, I position myself so that choices become pretty clear. Like most things related to my analytical sensibilities, it's like those stereoscopic pictures, the ones with all the dots that suddenly become a 3-D image. You can't look too hard, otherwise you don't see it.


I was never, ever, able to see the image in those 3D pictures. It's my continuing conviction that they work only on the weak-willed.

I don't think you have anything to worry about if your worst temptation is a 24oz. bottle of Beck's Dark. When it's whether to go for that third 40oz. bottle of Colt .45... that's the time to start worrying.

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