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April 04, 2003

Some things never change

It's been pissing down rain pretty severely all day, which can only mean one thing: I've got a gig tonight that looked like it might be big. You might recall how URT was hit with blizzards for both our CD release party and our farewell show, which might not have been necessary had the weather cooperated on the former.

Tonight isn't an "event" gig, per se, but Lindsie had been promoting the hell out of it, mostly via her high-profile bartending job at the new Coyote Ugly in town, and it is, after all, Friday night at Double Door. And we've got the sweet spot in the lineup to boot. Of course, she gave out something like 800 tickets for a 400-capacity venue, so we'll probably still do alright.

In other news, wow, codeine. Feelin' a little loopy.


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