Occasionally, I don't mind being marketed to. Isn't that one of the things Cusack's character in Say Anything rails against? Anyway, the major movie studios have me dead to rights these days, as they've started to strategically place articles and promos for both The Matrix: Reloaded and X-Men 2 under my nose. Both of the predecessors to these certain blockbusters rated high on the Coz scale, not that you'd know it from the abject lack of movie reviews on this site, so I'm starting to get caught up in the hype.
Speaking of movies, it's been the inadvertent Jeff Bridges film festival around here lately. One of the nice things about my particular digital cable service is that you can just list all the movies that start at a certain time, and with the multiplexed Starz and Encore, that tends to include lots and lots of movies from the last 12 or 18 months. Or longer. Last night, I watched Tron, which I'm not sure I had ever seen in total. It was probably more interesting in the context of the imminent Matrix Reloaded, but still a fun movie. Then, tonight, once I had grabbed the NBA disclaimer for my voiceover demo reel, I sat back and took in K-PAX. I have to say, if I was going to recommend a psychotic fugue state movie, I'd still go with Nurse Betty.
There's lots of movement behind the scenes lately, but as much as I always say that, it'll have to wait. In the meantime, jury duty! Normally this feels people with dread, but I really don't have much else to do.
Do you still get jury pay if you aren't receiving normal wages or salary?
Just wondering.
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Housekeeping note
January 2, 2014
Slacker Profiteering
July 7, 2013
In My Defense
June 20, 2013
When A Foul Isn't A Foul
February 5, 2013
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