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April 24, 2003

There are worse things to dream about

I'm not sure what to make of this, but I had a rather long and involved dream about one or more Peter Gabriel concerts last night. The gist of it was that I had gotten to know the band, and was given the go-ahead to record the shows directly from the soundboard. Except that I didn't have the right cables, so I had to borrow some from another guy who was one of about four who were daisy-chaining recording devices to the same end.

I was hanging out with the band at several points, and I noticed that PG had indeed lost considerable weight from all the running around he's been doing on this tour, but the result was that his skin looked kinda loose. And he had hair again. Also, I had a pasta dinner on the steps of the venue, which had a certain Roman Coliseum feel to it.

The recording part makes at least a hint of sense, as I'm planning to tape the Foxide show this Friday (at Martyr's, btw, since I forgot to mention that in l.i.t.c.), and run directly from the board. I also had to run out of someone else's recording rig once for a Keneally show, so that has precedent. And I order some lasagna from Leona's the other night, so that's not entirely surprising, either. Why the whole thing manifested itself around Gabriel is a little odd. He's touring this summer, but I'm not going, and I'm not really losing sleep over that. I put Up in today's CD rotation, though, just in case.

In other news, I just realized how effed up the monthly archives are on the site. That's what I get for trying to have a single unified archive folder across the whole thing. I'll see if I can do something about that, but archiving is sort of a massive undertaking for me to fix, as there are a whole host of other issues to deal with.


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