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May 04, 2003

Good choices

No, this isn't some esoteric entry about the life choices we make and how they play out over time, although that would be interesting fodder for extrapolation, to be sure.

This is me being happy I didn't opt to ride my bike down to Metro this evening (for the Assassins/Kill Hannah show), because at some point, the skies have opened up something fierce, and it would have made for a very soggy ride home. Actually, it would have made for a barely afforded cab ride home with a recovery mission to get the bike later.

If I wanted to wax esoteric, though, it would be a short trip talking about the friends you make along the way, because one of mine called with extra tickets to said show. This turned out to be very important, as there were enough disaffected, disillusioned suburban teenagers in town to sell out the venue. And I heard Carson Daly was there, although I have no idea why. I mean, I know why I heard it, but I don't know why he cares about either band.


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