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May 12, 2003

Foot shot

I don't know if I'm subconsciously trying to sabotage my incredibly unlikely singing career, or what, but for some reason, I haven't confirmed my big solo gig this Friday until today. At least I called today and left a message. And to be fair, I stopped in on Saturday afternoon, but noone who knew anything was there. So I dropped off some flyers, which don't seem to have been hung yet, and that's got me a bit worried.

So, I'm in the unenviable position of having to massively promote what is my first ever solo appearance without knowing for sure if it's going to happen. Fortunately, I think the list.in.to.chicago mechanism (complete with flashy new redirect) should work well enough that I can just send an update when I find out for sure.

This reminds me of when I thought I had a date with a fairly gorgeous ex-model during a business trip in Florida, but thought I was only supposed to call if something went wrong, and I was actually supposed to call to confirm one way or the other. I never learn. Or, I have such an ingrained fear of losing what progress I think I've made, I want to avoid giving people who I think are giving a huge break a chance to renege. One of those.


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