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May 14, 2003

Unclear on the concept

So, I'm driving behind a Toyota RAV4 on my way back from Vaughan's, and suddenly the driver nearly stops, in order to navigate a heavy metal plate that's covering some kind of inconsistency in the asphalt. It's a freakin' SUV! It's whole reason for existing is to navigate difficult terrain, and here this jackass is worried about his suspension!

People never cease to amaze me. Other interesting bits from tonight included the driver coming toward me, talking on her cell, signaling to turn left, then thinking better of it, just as I was about to make my left. He who hesitates doesn't die in a horrible car wreck, apparently, because I was pretty close to making my move.

Also, there was a guy at Vaughan's who tried to get cigarettes out of the jukebox. That wasn't even the funniest part of the evening. One of the TVs was inexplicably (or not, as the Cubs are occasionally on Channel 26) tuned to Elimidate, and one of the eligible bachelors on this particular installment of that program was a physical therapist at the place where I rehabbed my knees. I've got to go down there tomorrow and see if anyone even knew about it. That made my night.

Back on the Ginobli watch, Kobe Bryant is a whiny bitch. That foul he was begging for towards the end of the match was just excellent defending. The San Antonio player was straight up, and Bryant leaned into him to force the contact.


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