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May 14, 2003

In the news (part 2)

A few things here and there...

It's definitely too early to care about the run-up to the 2004 presidential election. For me, anyway. I tried reading the Washington Post story on Howard Dean's health care proposal, but my eyes literally started to glaze over about two paragraphs in.

And I think my intellectual infatuation with Thomas Friedman of the New York Times is over. Watching his special on 9/11 a month or two ago on the Discovery Channel seemed to turn the tide. He was just so incredibly soft and wimpy in that program that I have a hard time taking him seriously. And don't get me started on Maureen Dowd.

Finally, with mock terrorism drills going on here in Chicago this week, I have to wonder what would happen if you really did have the pneumonic plague? Would the hospital workers be able to tell that you're not just an actor taking part in the drill?


If this is like the excercises we used to have on base, every excercise event is preceded by the word excercise. These people will be specifically identifying themselves as being part of the excercise.

Quick story:

I was working at the fitness center, we were in excercise, and I arrived at work one day and was told that the facility had been occupied by terrorists who had executed several people in taken the others hostage (don't ask me why they thought the fitness center was a great place to do this).

So I and a couple other second shifters had to wait around at the bowling alley for a few hours until the situation was resolved (more people were killed) and they had finished dealing with the bodies (IIRC, there were about seven body bags).

Spent the rest of the evening trying to clean up chunks of meat and juice in the men's showers.

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