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June 07, 2003

Early birds, worms and concert tickets

Dammit, I knew there was a reason I wanted to get up this morning. And, to be fair, I was up in time to log on to Ticketmaster.com at 10:30, when tickets for the Blue Man Group Complex Tour went on sale, I just forgot that I wanted to actually do that. And now they've only got balcony seats available. In the grand scheme, that's probably for the best, as I was fully prepared to make that same mistake I always do, buying four tickets when I had zero commitment from anyone on going with me.

Of course, I could get the balcony seats, which aren't as expensive as the floor seats would have been anyway, but I've been in the balcony at the Rosemont Theatre before, and for this show, it's further away than I would like. And I have a bailout shot, seeing as how I know one of the guys who plays drums in the theatrical show. Hopefully he can get me better seats.

Part of the space-out was undoubtedly due to a slow recovery from the big return engagement at Goldie's last night. They treat me well over there, which means several of my favorite hoppy beverages over the course of the night. Turnout was actually better than last time, only everyone didn't stay as long. So more people for shorter periods of time. There was a group of friends who were there for the first one, and I think word will start to spread through that particularly large group over time as I do more of these. As it stands, someone from that bunch might hire me for a corporate party her company is having, so that's a win right there.

The show went well enough, although there were a couple of new tunes I threw in that could have used some more rehearsal. And I need to add more eighties tunes, as that's become a big part of the schtick. I've revised my flyer to reflect that, as well. Next week should see some efforts to get in some other bars, although my friend Andrew, who does these sorts of gigs for a living, warned me off the hardcore Lincoln Park bars, lest I break my guitar over the head of some Trixie requesting "Brown Eyed Girl" for the eight millionth time.


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