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June 11, 2003

The Other Way of Stopping

Last night was the first game of the Tuesday night soccer league I'm in. We lost, 3-1, but showed much better than Sunday's rain-soaked affair. Yours truly drew the short straw to play goal in that one, which contributed, in part, to a 7-0 drubbing that I'd rather not talk about. Both games were on turf, and last night I opted for indoor shoes instead of cleats. In retrospect, that wasn't the best idea, especially since the rain over the weekend made the field a bit on the slippery side. I managed a strong run up from the right side of the defense, but as I steadily ran out of real estate, I knew there was no way I could plant my foot and turn a cross into the box without completely wiping out, and stopping to get a good ball in wasn't going to work, either. So I just pushed it weakly toward the goal and out of bounds.

I was kind of surprised at my fitness, though. I played two long stretches, and made a bunch of long runs in the second half, but I feel mostly okay today. And my feet seem to finally be back to normal after about four months of treatment, so that's a welcome relief.

In other sports news, it looks like the Cubs' strong showing against the Yankees is having an ancillary benefit, in that the Yanks seem to be taking out their frustrations at losing that series on the Houston Astros, which will help the Cubbies in the NL Central race. All three of those games over the weekend were entertaining, especially since we're entering June Swoon territory. Could it possibly be next year? The mind boggles.


Life-Long Pessimistic Cub Fan Adage #23:

"It's NEVER 'next year'."

Not to be confused with, of course, Adage #104,

"'Next Year' could be a short three years away."


Well, there is that. And no sooner do I go on about the Yankees and the Astros, than Houston goes on to get a no-hitter. Sigh.

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