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June 17, 2003

The Dark Horse Returns

This doesn't quite qualify as an "I Told You So" entry just yet, but it looks like Wesley Clark may enter the presidential fray after all. I've had him pegged as the best hope for the Democrats for about six months now. Intially, it looked like his TV exposure as a war analyst for CNN would help give him a leg up, but there was a bit of a backlash against the "armchair generals" at the time. With the attention span of the American people being as gnat-like as ever, we may be far enough past that for him to say "hey, I was on TV a lot" without people remembering whether or not they liked seeing him. Or were told that they didn't like seeing him, which could have been a crafty GOP plot to discredit Clark, as he is a real threat to Bush's re-election.

Elsewhere, but still in the Washington Post, there's a fascinating story about a former National Security Council staffer who bolted for John Kerry's campaign. While that's certainly interesting in it's own right, there's a description of the Bush administration's approach to terrorism that calls it "primarily offense, and not into teamwork." At the end of the day, I think this may be exactly why Bush is successful. Look at most professional sports these days, and selfish offense is exactly what dominates, Spurs notwithstanding. It's what people have become accustomed to seeing, indicative of the cult of personality that defines American culture. And, as it is in the NBA, it's bad for the game.


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