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June 22, 2003

Finding your limits

now playing: Radiohead, Hail To The Thief (via Digital Cable)

Suffice it to say, playing in two soccer games on Saturday morning, followed by a two-set gig Saturday night, then biking 6 miles each way to and from another soccer game on Sunday is quite a bit of a workout. I'm going to sleep like a baby tonight, no doubt about it.

Lots going on behind the scenes in the past week, mostly on the voiceover front. I don't want to jinx some of the things by talking about them just yet, but one is a done deal, so that's okay. Starting on Monday, I'm going to be all over the Chicagoland airwaves via a radio commercial for the Chicago Fire. I talked the team into recommending me for the spots with their ad agency, and ultimately, it all worked out and I recorded the voice bits last Thursday. It was a bit unnerving, but everybody was patient and helpful, and we got through it alright. I still need to work like hell to sound more natural and less announcer-y, but that will come in time.

Next up is getting an agent, and I've got a ninety-second demo that should be sufficient to that end. And then there's the bit I'm not telling you about, which could be immeasurably cool if it works out. The moral of that emerging story is something like half of life being just showing up. Or about how good things happen when you take initiative, even if I keep not translating that to my dating life.


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