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June 25, 2003

People are stupid

Unfortunately, this could very well be a recurring series as well.

If you're in a group of four people, there's apparently a good chance one of you is a complete ignoramus. According to a new poll, one in four Americans think that Iraq used biological weapons against our troops in the war on, excuse me, the war with Iraq.

This is the kind of thing that dispirits me more than the success of Adam Sandler movies. Are we really that gullible? Is the right-wing arm of the media so pervasive and so persuasive that people fall for this shit?

To argue about the impact of the search for weapons of mass destruction as justification of the war, also covered in this poll, is one thing. There's a real debate there. But I have a hard time wrapping my head around how we've gotten so horribly misinformed. Granted, I wasn't exactly glued to my TV set for the entirety of the conflict, but if there was even a rumor of a biological attack, I don't think it ever made it into the next day's newspaper stories, where I was a bit more vigilant. Which means, if that sort of thing was reported, it was pounded briefly and relentlessly on a 24-hour cable news outlet, where the slogans should be not so much "we report, you decide," as "we report, you fact-check if you feel like it, otherwise, looking at the cool explosions!"


It wasn't Fox News. Though it generally celebrates conservative viewpoints I've yet to see it omit or distort information.

Keep in mind that the half-sample responding to those questions was not necessarily represented by the right-leaning majority opinion in this poll (which is hinted at with that last-paragraph swing at Fox). Speculation abounds that troops were exposed to chemical weapons during Saddam's expulsion from Kuwait in 1991; I wouldn't be surprised if the possibility remains in new-unattentive people's minds like urban legend.

America's not alone. France, remember, ate up 9/11 conspiracy book "The Frightening Fraud."

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