NP: The New Pornographers, Electric Version (MP3)
I'm not sure why it took me this long to add the "now playing" tag to my main blog entries, as that was sort of a hallmark of my previous USENET life. Although now there's all this pressure to be listening to something. At least until I've set you up for the funny little avant-garde composer joke. Anyway, EMusic has come through again, this time with the new album from The New Pornographers. I may actually have indie cred one of these days.
Other than that, it's a little slow. I'm still feeling like there a burst of self-improvement coming, and I got out and played a bit of soccer yesterday, along with a good twenty minutes or so of practice pad work while watching the Cubbies before they melted down in the ninth against the Brewers. Not quite the bullpen meltdown of Wednesday's game, when the phrase seemed much more appropriate. Now the heat has broken, and it's looking like a gorgeous couple of days here in the Windy City. Great news considering I've got an outdoor gig tomorrow before the Fire game.
Last night, I dropped in on another open mike after helping my friend Steve with his drums on a gig with his new big rock band. Played a LOT of songs on a badly out-of-tune guitar and a pretty weird P.A. setup, but played well, and it boosted my ego a bit in that I should be able to drop a demo on these guys and pick up a gig on a weekend. And there's a pretty solid new batch of tunes making it into the solo acoustic set, some from the eighties, some not.
Tonight it's more drum tech work, which adds that to the growing list of "things I've been paid to do more than once." That list currently doesn't exist anywhere other than in my head, and seeing as how it's been a year and there still haven't been any pictures from Korea, I would not advocate holding one's breath waiting for it. is not spamming you -- please read
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Housekeeping note
January 2, 2014
Slacker Profiteering
July 7, 2013
In My Defense
June 20, 2013
When A Foul Isn't A Foul
February 5, 2013
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