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July 07, 2003

Built for the future

NP: The New Pornographers, Electric Version (MP3)

Hope you all had an enjoyable holiday weekend. While I mostly eschewed actual fireworks, good times were had pretty much across the board. What was particularly amusing is how the events of last year's Fourth of July festivities seem to have accomplished exactly what I had hoped. I'm not going to be more specific than that, sorry, but it's just one of those things where I don't look for immediate results from certain actions. Sometimes it's just better to plant a seed and let it grow. Story of my life, to some degree. I'll keep you posted, as obtusely as possible, if those seeds lead to, um, pollination.

I also had the minor George Clooney film festival this weekend, to prepare for a voiceover audition this morning. I watched four hours of film for ONE LINE of copy. We'll see if the hard work paid off. I also read for another spot, and should know in a day or two how it went. In any event, it's a good sign that this one agency seems to like me so far.

Finally, I'm not usually one to complain about the weather, but yesterday was downright bizarre. Normally, excessive humidity and an imminent cold front result in thunderstorms, which are then followed by a break in the heat and humidity. Not so in Bizarro WeatherWorld. Right at the intermission between Alice Peacock and Elvis Costello at the Taste of Chicago, the skies opened up for about five or ten minutes, then stopped. Then the clouds cleared, revealing a blazing sun and hotter temperatures than before the rain started. Then it rained again two hours later, then got humid again. It's like the cold front kept mounting an attack, only to be repelled by the forces of heat and humidity time after time. Supposed to be more of the same today. Joy.


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