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July 09, 2003

Want versus need

NP: Frank Zappa, You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Volume 1 (CD)

My roommate will give me crap every once in a while when I say things like "I need TiVo," because in the grand scheme of things, it's a luxury item, and I can get by swapping out videotapes and buying remote controls with built-in timers and whatnot. I was thinking about this while I was struggling with buyer's remorse on a new pair of soccer shoes today. On some level, it seems silly that I now have different shoes for different field conditions. In theory, I don't need the extra pair of turf shoes. I wanted them. Except that, in reality, I wanted to play more soccer this summer. In order to do that, I needed the shoes.

So it's a weird post-hoc chain reaction. The "want" step is actually further up in the process. I want to make watching TV easier, so I need TiVo. In the grander scheme, I want to simplify all sorts of aspects of my lifestyle (here's the process junkie rearing his head again), which includes TV, which then necessitates the TiVo. Of course, at the moment, I can't afford it, but when I do...

Back on the need front, I really do need a new 18" crash cymbal, and I really need it to be the right one. I was hoping to have it for tonight's Lindsie show, but the one I bought yesterday was a bit too low in pitch and too short in sustain. There was one other that I sorta liked at Guitar Center, so I'll swap it for that one tomorrow and use one of the two cracked ones I've got tonight.

And I've been busted down to bit parts on the cartoon pilot (which I haven't really talked about here yet), but that's okay. I actually have another angle on this, which is to work up some of the more soundtrack-y compositions I've got laying around and see if they might work in the production. And any voiceover work helps at this point. No word on the audition from Monday yet.


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