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July 25, 2003

Life, meet wall

NP: Alternative Rock Channel (digital cable)

I hit a wall this week. Hard. Actually, I hit a floor, and it was made of artificial turf, resulting in a "tweaked" (that's a medical term) calf muscle that's had me hobbling since Tuesday night's soccer game. This three-day-a-week thing is starting to take it's toll, at least in the short term before my fitness improves. It's gonna improve, right?

Anyway, Tuesday also had me filling in for Tony as host/emcee at the Vaughan's open mike. For the majority of the evening, it was a good time. There was this little punk rock character who (a) gave me $5 to not sound check while the jukebox played Filter's "Hey Man Nice Shot," (b) bought me a couple of "Jaeger bombs," which consist of a shot of Jaegermeister dropped in a glass of Red Bull, and (c) asked if I wanted to do a line of coke with him. I'm not sure I've had any of those things happen to me before. It was a little surreal. Unfortunately, the drinks came on an empty stomach, and the buzz and the hunger made me grouchy, particulary at the end of the night when I started to space some chords. It happens, I'll get over it.

Anyway, I might have mentioned that earlier in this space, had I not lost all semblance of motivation midway through the week. It was a little disconcerting, and made worse by the unavailability of my usual tonic for inertia, that being my TV. My roommate has been monopolizing it lately, watching lots and lots of Tour de France coverage. So I went to bed early on Wednesday, then went to see a move, Pirates of the Caribbean, last night after Lindsie rehearsal. Without a doubt, the best adaptation of an amusement park ride I've ever seen. I feel a little lecherous drooling over 18-year-old Keira Knightley, but you know, I think I'll get over it.

What I think has gone on lately is that I've been constantly scrapping for sources of income and better bargains, that I just ran out of gas. That, in turn, led to an increasingly short temper and general irritability. I'll need to be a little more vigilant of that in the future, maybe taking a three-day vacation from my life once a month, since I don't get that normal weekly reset button the weekend provides. I've got to do something, or these burnouts could get more debilitating. There are a couple of opportunities on the horizon that will ease things up a bit, so it may work itself out.


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