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August 07, 2003

Lies without coffee aren't convincing

NP: Throwing Muses, Throwing Muses (MP3)

I say this as a measure of advice to those who might try it. Don't bother lying before you're fully awake. Nominally, this applies to telling the person you were already awake at 7:30 in the morning, even though your voice sounds lower than James Earl Jones and scratchier than Tom Waits.

I guess it also applies to conversations with someone you might find yourself in bed with first thing in the morning, but it's been a while, so I wouldn't be able to say for sure.

This morning, I actually had to use that first lie twice, although the second time was at 10:30, and by then I had no good excuse for still being in bed, except for a generally restless sleep for most of the night.

Which then translated to a generally productive day. Made the latest rounds of calls to voiceover agents, which doesn't really do anything for me, except maybe make me feel like I'm doing what I can to find an agent. The best next step I can probably take is to start working connections through people who know these agents already, and get that six degrees of separation thing working in my favor. I've already gotten a bit going on that front, so we'll see what happens.

Today and tomorrow I get to play roadie again, even moreso than I was originally planning since my friend Steve apparently threw out his back yesterday. Speaking of drum equipment, metal stands left in the back of one's car in ninety-plus degree heat can give you low-level burns if you're, say, cradling them in your arms while you bring them up the stair. Ouch.


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