NP: Frank Zappa, Thing-Fish (CD)
For those of you who missed me, I've been working a consulting gig in the north suburbs, while still maintaining my after-hours rock and roll schedule. As a result, I think I had about a half-hour of time that wasn't spend working, sleeping, driving, playing soccer or playing music over the space of about seven days. I don't mind being busy at all, really, it's just that it was a bit of a shock to the system.
Lots and lots of coffee was consumed, suffice it to say.
A couple of observations from the freelance gig, while we're at it. First, there does not seem to be any shortcut home from Northfield. I've tried slightly different freeway and non-freeway variations all four days of the job last week, and every one of them took an hour to go, roughly, twelve miles. It's an hour commute, and I'll just have to live with it. Second, there are people in the world who attend educational courses called "Body Cavity Fluid Examinations: Problem Patterns and their Resolution." This isn't surprising or anything, but still noteworthy and likely to induce some fun Google search results.
I've got, essentially, the whole house to myself this week and next, as both AC and our landlord are on vacation. No real debauchery is planned, but it's nice to know that I could plan some if I wanted to.
It's also nice to know I spelled "debauchery" correctly on the first try. It's the little things that tend to make my day. For the rest of the time, more coffee!
Hello "Professor of the Drumkit":
Coffee is a good thing - please have some handy in the next day or so, as you will want to be wide awake when you see what I have for you...
:-) AA
As I'm currently pimping myself out on a consulting gig in Northbrook, I understand your consternation with the commute. But I would like to point out that (a) Sheridan, although not necessarily quicker than 294 or the Edens, is infinitely more scenic and therefore far less likely to induce road rage (and I am, believe me, road rage prone); and (b) You can cut across from Green Bay Road to Sheridan on Lake Street, through Wilmette. There's only one stop sign the whole way across.
This public service announcement has been brought to you by the International Society for the Preservation of Old Joan Jett Singles, and the letter Q.
Weeza, thanks. Anth, I'm afraid. Very, very afraid.
"Very, very afraid"?? Oh, no need to worry- in fact, to quote from the movies '2001' & '2010':
It's "something wonderful" - hehhehehehe
Come, let me take you back to April 1987:
(P.S. - I've never posted a link here before, so I put it in both the URL box AND in this message, just to be sure.) is not spamming you -- please read
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Housekeeping note
January 2, 2014
Slacker Profiteering
July 7, 2013
In My Defense
June 20, 2013
When A Foul Isn't A Foul
February 5, 2013
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