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September 11, 2003

Deeper and deeper

NP: The Soft Boys, Nextdoorland (MP3)

It's only money, right? Today I picked up the Coz-mobile to the tune of just over two thousand dollars in repairs. On the one hand, it's probably the single biggest line-item expense since the down payment on said car (and being a big geek, I could check). On the other, all of this work was going to have to be done eventually anyway, and better now than broken down on the side of the road somewhere. Hoses, belts, brake pads, batteries, and, apparently specific to Subarus, AC compressors break down. It's just one of those things.

As if that weren't enough, my bike had a flat. The rear tire was mostly flat a few days ago, but I figured the slime would take care of that when I filled it back up. Apparently the couple of years of hard riding were even too much for the slime to overcome, so after getting the car, I got me to the sporting goods store and picked up a tube. Now all wheeled vehicles are up and running, and the money I made on the consulting gig is already spoken for. Easy come, easy go. I'm still not worried, partially because I've still got a credit rating that's kickass enough to keep new and exciting credit cards coming to my mailbox so that I can parlay their offers into a no-interest personal loan.

Everything was so much easier on Tuesday. I sorta miss Tuesday.

And yeah, I know what day it is. No, I haven't forgotten. It's just part of that "accept the things I can't change, change the things I can, know how to tell the difference" mantra. If I see any terrorists, I'll try to stop them. If I see any potential elected officials who may be able to help (hey General Clark, are you reading this?), I'll vote for them. In the meantime, I need to find the next paying gig.


Repairing an elderly automobile remains the second reason why I will try my damnedest to lease for the rest of my natural life - better I pay the devil I know now every month than the devil I don't in seven or eight years, and in one fat invoice.

Getting a new car every four years, of course, is the first reason. ;-)

Mike Furir Mike 266

Mike Furir Mike 989

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