NP: Andy Summers, Earth and Sky (MP3)
That was odd. I just witnessed a shoplifting in progress. Took a walk around the corner to pick up a Reader and grab a snack at the grocery store, and there was this guy trying to come out through the door I was trying to go in. Once I got out of his way, I realized he was carrying a basket of groceries, and upon processing said basket, I realized he had at least three or four bottles of booze. They've got protective, "theft-proof" caps on them, which makes them sort of distinctive.
And, apparently, not terribly theft-proof.
Anyway, he was behind me before I was more cognizant of what was going on, so there wasn't really much I could do. What was weird was that noone in the grocery store seemed to have even spotted him at all. Nobody chasing after him, nobody in any state of at least a moderately heightened pulse.
Now, I know what you're thinking. Being unemployed, this sort of thing might drive me to a life of crime. Not gonna happen, I assure you. It was just moderately surreal, and did justify actually leaving the apartment on entertainment grounds, anyway.
Yesterday, I found a site chock full of Frank Zappa MIDI files, which is going to help The Young Sophisticates out tremendously. If the job lead leaderboard actually existed this week, though, there would probably be an uptick for full-time and/or freelance analysis work. Hypothetically, anyway. Some sort of progress was made, and I have to take my victories where I can find them.
Tonight will be an interesting role reversal, as I tag along with my roommate on a night out. Usually that works the other way around.
Hey - funny you should mention that... Kerwin, from my class in H.S. - told me that 2 guys FLEW out of Scotch Hills Pharmacy years ago, and they were running WAY too fast to be "racing", or fooling around... then, the person chasing after them kinda confirmed that they were thieves - boy, talk about crime close to YOUR home - heheheh!
OK, now onto a music-related note:
I recently digitally converted your DRUM SOLO at the end of 'Free Will' from that 1987 performance - wow, it was FURIOUS and really cool! (I'll add it to the page in my next update)
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January 2, 2014
Slacker Profiteering
July 7, 2013
In My Defense
June 20, 2013
When A Foul Isn't A Foul
February 5, 2013
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