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December 09, 2003

Cars and Karma

NP: The Hives, Veni, Vidi, Vicious (MP3)

Hulk head hurts. Well, not really, but I'm dragging. These things have a tendency to happen now and again.

Anyway, apparently the AC compressor, the wiring harness and the broken window weren't enough. Now some jackass hit my sideview mirror. It didn't snap off, but it's damaged. Best case scenario is that I just need a ten-dollar piece of plastic and somebody who knows how to snap it back in place. Worst case scenario is that it wasn't an accident, and I can expect some sort of vandalism to my car every three weeks. Or that Howard Dean gets the Democratic nomination. I forget which. Hey, I said it was the worst case.

The weekend was brutal. I occasionally find my weeks hyper-scheduled, only to yield to a free-fall of absolutely nothing on the weekend. So it winds up as a combination of just sitting around doing nothing and taking in movies and/or bands on my own, the latter of which becomes acutely painful after too much of the former. And then my lounging layabout time was mostly compromised and taken out of my control. While living by myself would have driven me batshit insane over the last year or so, it still has it's occasional attraction. But only occasionally, as my crankiness had little to do with my living situation, it just bled over into it. Shouldn't be a big deal in the long run. Hopefully.

So you could imagine me discovering the side-view mirror after well over 48 hours of just stewing in my own juices. It wasn't pretty.

Fortunately, the darkness didn't carry over into yesterday, as I sorta needed to be on top of my game all day, at least until I was among friends and comfortable to close out the night. That was exactly the kind of thing I was missing Friday and Saturday. As for gettin' game, I think I did what I needed to do, but it will be a few days before I know for sure.


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