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December 13, 2003

Bitterness Rising

NP: Maserati, The Language of Cities (MP3)

Just had a sort of odd social experience. Went to see Regal Standard, as I often do, only it was the first time I had seen Larry and that crowd, who I know almost entirely as a result of the Lindsie band, since said Lindsie dumped said band, your humble correspondent included (note to self: update Coz Music page). Now, if you want to split hairs, we're technically "on hiatus," and could reconvene in the new year, but the gut feeling pretty much across the board is that it ain't gonna happen.

So, it's only natural that this became a point of conversation. Several times. It's not something I'm entirely happy about, and I'm also not typically one to sugar-coat much of anything. The result of which made me sound really, really bitter about the whole deal. Which then, in turn, made me wonder if maybe I am really bitter about it.

I can't even tell anymore. I would have rathered it turned out differently, most notably without me being in the hole for about the equivalent of one month's rent, which I could really use. But it is what it is, and I've got other more important things to worry about. I know the drill. Change the things you can, accept the things you cannot change, learn to tell the difference. So in the local sense, yeah, maybe I'm upset, but in the context of my entire life situation, it's just one little pin prick.

On the plus side, it was good to see some people I hadn't seen since early October or so. And lest you think I'm getting all dark again, there should be a much more pleasant bit coming down the pike, maybe tomorrow if I have a chance. This weekend seems to contain every holiday party in Chicago, and I'm lined up for about four or five of them, plus some bowling. And I need to get my car fixed, hopefully for the last time in a while. I'll be facing all this with the notion that I'm actually beating this cold before it really settles in, thanks to a steady diet of juice, soup, lozenges and DayQuil, but knock on wood when you read this just in case.


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