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January 02, 2004

And They Wonder Why We Don't Vote

NP: Stone Temple Pilots, Thank You (CD)

According to Reuters, there's no point in having primaries any more. Not a single vote cast, and the campaign is already in "the stretch run." I swear, I don't understand this media mentality. Considering how badly they fucked it up after all the votes were cast last time, you'd think maybe they would learn to keep the crystal ball in the broom closet. Or, it's possible that they figured that, if they're going to be wrong, may as well be six months ahead of the game. Finally, there could be the obvious power trip of deciding the race, and Occam's Razor being what it is, that has to have something to do with it. Although the most-obvious-and-therefore-most-accurate explanation could also be that they're just really, really stupid, but that's sort of my catchall for more or less everything.

Earlier this afternoon, my 2004 had felt remarkable cat-like, in that I slept, woke up, ate, went back to sleep. Feeling a bit more normal now, and spent the afternoon with my drums, stripping them down and rebuilding my kit in a new configuration. The big kit is back, and I will probably address that further on the drums page, probably tomorrow. There may be psychological significance, I'm not sure.

Meanwhile, I've finished with the CD collection database, and have moved onto my MP3s. Unfortunately, the batch renaming dialog box has a bunch of checkboxes that seem insignficant until it's gone and incorrectly parsed song and artist names when you're just trying to tweak the genre field. I figure this is a good exercise in data cleaning in advance of getting back into corporate-strength data warehouses and business intelligence. Or at least interviewing in the general field. I need to be overprepared for Tuesday.

And I suspect this newest deluge of spam has something to do with unintended consequences of the new anti-spam law. What's mildly amusing about it, to the degree that spam can be funny, is that I've gotten a lot of the exact same piece of spam, touting some creative spellings of various popular pharmaceuticals. And it's always a forwarded message. If I'm feeling adventurous, I'll try to track down any backstory over the weekend, but I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.


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