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January 31, 2004

Out of Hibernation

NP: Tottenham v. Fulham (webcast)

As part of the burgeoning interest in the blogosphere proper I alluded to yesterday, I've gone and listed myself with the chicagobloggers.com site. I still don't feel like a true "blogger," but I think that's a much more broad term than my own current perception of it. As I read more of them, I just don't think I write the same way. Which could be good, or could be bad, or maybe it's just different.

Anyway, now I'm feeling like I need to be all profound and shit. Not that I will be, but you know how it goes. I am open to suggestions on how to improve the site, though, so the influx of knowledgeable eyeballs might be helpful on that count. I have aspirations to port the whole thing over to MySQL so I can make some navigational improvements (or just wait until the next major release of MovableType comes out, 'cause I'm lazy like that). And I need to implement FormMail for the various band mailing lists, but I'm wary of the potential spam implications.

On that front, I figured out what was going on with the comments yesterday. Somebody was just incrementing the numbers in the archived filenames, which meant they started from the first post and worked through all the stuff I had brought over, since those went in first to the system.

Enough about process, though. We saw what that did for Howard Dean. Speaking of that, lots of pundit talk about the possibility of "buyer's remorse" for Kerrry somewhere down the line. Seems to be the political buzzword of the week, and I can't say I disagree.

Last night was my first time playing soccer since the outdoor season ended in, I don't know, early November? The real good news is that my Achilles tendon feels fine. My lungs? Not so much, but I played pretty well, even if I botched a couple of chances. Passing and first touch were a bit sloppy, but that's to be expected. It seemed like everybody was happy to see me, which is encouraging given the hermititude of most of the rest of the week. There was no way I was going to spend another night becoming one with my couch without losing my mind.

That said, if Steve had called me sooner, I likely would have skipped it to check out the new sushi spot in my hood that just opened, as his girlfriend (who you can see on stage with yours truly on Friday) is working there. I'm curious, as always, to see what he thinks of Anto trying out for his band.

Later, today, I babysit for the first time ever, for the friends who travelled with me in Korea. As much as I do not consider myself as particularly good around kids, this could be the tonic for the business of the apartment on weekends if the opportunity continues to present itself. Plus, extra cash, which is never bad.


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