NP: Radiohead, Amnesiac (MP3)
The last few days have forced a return of actually using public transportation and walking to get from here to there. I have to say, and I guess I knew this, that I drive entirely too much. Getting down to Vaughan's was a piece of cake, although getting back was, at the very least, really cold. Swinging by Kinko's to make flyers for the Mystic Celt show was similarly easy, especially since the Celt is more or less right across the street. The walking felt good, too. I really need to start exercising somehow, some way.
We'll see if I can modify my behavior at all when I get the car back today. If I get the car back today. Maybe that will being the end of the waiting, on about eight thousand different fronts. I can tell I'm getting stressed, as I'm grinding my teeth like nobody's business. The eye twitch comes next.
Meanwhile, everybody and their brother seems to want the Democratic nomination primary to be either over or reduced to a two-man race. In particular, the media seem to be trying to bury Wes Clark en masse, and I don't particularly understand it. Slate's Today's Papers had this handy little cheat sheat of the finishes yesterday after Tuesday's votes:
Kerry: 1,1,1,1,1,2,3 Clark: 1,2,2,2,4,4,5 Edwards: 1,2,2,3,4,4,4 Dean: 3,3,3,3,4,5,5
In what is clearly still the early stages of the race, I don't see how that's bad, even knowing the numbers behind the places. My gut is that Wolf Blitzer and Chris Matthews, having started to cover this about two years ago, are bored to the point of insanity. They want to move on, and this is the only reason for the unmitigating pressure to have this thing be over.
Although, with the gay marriage ruling yesterday, this could get more interesting, as my man Wes ran way to the left in the last month to embrace gays, and not in such a way that Gert would get jealous, as far as I know. Depending on how much of a hot-button issue this is in the next bunch of states, it could make or break his candidacy. Which I'm sure would make Wolf and Chris very happy. is not spamming you -- please read
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