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February 08, 2004

Alphabetical Disorder

NP: Andy Summers, Earth and Sky (MP3)

Okay, I'm pissed. I actually scanned the "Early Warnings" listings in this week's Reader, because I knew that A Perfect Circle and The Mars Volta were touring soon. Except that I looked under A, and not P, so I missed it, and now there are only balcony seats left for the April 16th show at UIC Pavillion.

It's entirely normal to exclude "the" from sorting keys, and I've certainly seen it done with "a" before. This, however, doesn't seem to fit the normal model for doing the latter. The name of the band is not one instance of several possible perfect circles, the name of the band is A Perfect Circle. It starts with a motherfucking A. This is, quite possibly, the only upcoming rock tour I care about at all, and now I'm going to have to call in favors and/or beg. I'm not pleased.

I'm also, apparently, either bored or politically aware. I think all the time I've spent reading all these blogs in the last week or two -- which may or may not have been done due to the dearth of alternatives -- got me believing that Dubya going on Meet The Press was a big deal. To the point where I watched all of that instead of the first thirty minutes of Clint Mathis' second match with Hannover this morning.

I don't know what to make of it, exactly. I got a notion that, in light of the lovefest the Democratic nomination is becoming, we're forgetting that Bush has a lot of money with which to crush his eventual opponent, smirking all the while. His answers might not have exonerated him in all cases, but I could definitely see the folksy charm-cum-resolve that got people behind him the first time. On the other hand, I'm sure the media will have it's way with his quotes. Myself, I think he said he valued the American without a job (me!) more than the American soldier dying in Iraq, but I'm not sure that makes me feel any better.


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