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February 16, 2004

No Clever Title, Sorry

NP: Arsenal v. Chelsea (TV)

No clever insight, either, although I keep reading about this Russian politician who was missing for four or five days, and the tune of "Keep It Dark" from Genesis immediately springs to mind. That'll have to do for now.

I'm back in waiting mode, and let me tell you, it's a non-stop party. My life is slow-motion Rube Goldberg device. Or something. I vaguely remember some X-Files episode that revolved around bizarre causality and Goldberg devices, but specific memories of that show are particularly faded. I'm still a bit amused (and maybe frightened) at how into it I was back in those halcyon days of the mid-90s. Not obsessed, focused.

So, waiting breeds down time. And spending some of that time in the blogosphere proper, I still don't feel like I'm a part of that culture. I might be deluding myself there, clinging to that "I'm different than everyone else" mantra that never quite holds up under close scrutiny. What I'm trying to figure out is if a good "traditional" blog is one that gets you clicking on the links (InstaPundit), or one that gives you enough editorial content that you don't have to (Talking Points Memo). There's maybe a nice happy medium with sites like Wonkette, which is rapidly becoming my favorite of the bunch. Now that the Democratic Primary seems all over but the shouting, The Note doesn't hold as much attraction, especially since I'm getting a lot of the same information elsewhere.

The point being, I'm not doing that sort of news and link summary sort of thing, so I don't feel like a blogger in that sense. Nor am I really giving any sort of intimate view of my sordid life, which is the other major species. I have to say, though, I'm intrigued by the notion of a donation button/tip jar sort of thing. Although that would make me feel bad about the craptacular site design and lack of good, solid navigation and whatnot. Or it would make me do something about it, but we know how that goes. Put it on the list after more pictures of Korea. And more CD reviews. Which, I swear, are going to happen this week.

Apropos of nothing, I'm have an odd emotional reaction to Mike Richter's number being retired by the New York Rangers. Actually, it's not all that odd. Back when I cared about hockey, the Rangers were my team. When I started following them, their goalie was Eddie Mio. Then Glen Hanlon. Then John VanBiesbrouck. Then a young rookie named Richter. He's the first professional athlete that has been on my radar consistently enough for me to have watched his entire professional career. He certainly won't be the last, but with another birthday coming up (13 shopping days if you really wanted to know), it's giving me pause.


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