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February 26, 2004

New Killer Bar

NP: Led Zeppelin, Box Set (CD)

So, I think I have a new favorite bar, even if I've never set foot in it to date. It's called Darwin's, and it's just south of the Kennedy on Damen Avenue. On the side of the building is a big sign that reads "Two guys walked into a bar. The third guy ducked." Those of you who have known me for a while know that's more or less my favorite joke EVER. Coupled with the notion of natural selection for the third guy, what's not to like? So I'll have to at least check it out. This is one of those times where, if I actually owned a digital camera, the entry would likely be accompanied by a picture. If this seems like it would be a significant improvement, keep in mind that my birthday is in four days.

Speaking of which, it dawned on me yesterday that I'm actually asking friends to pay for the privelege of celebrating said birthday with me (and Nitrous Foxide) on Saturday. I'm not feeling bad about that, but it's sorta funny.

For the second time in a couple of days, I think I saw the ex-girlfriend of my ex-roommate from about ten years ago. She was in front of me at the ATM in the bank, and I chickened out on actually verifying the hunch. I'm not exactly sure why. It's not like there's that innate fear of rejection, because I'm not asking the girl out on a date or anything. Although it could be fear of "rejection under false pretenses," like when you actually have met someone before, but can't remember, only to be spurned like any old drunken lothario. I get enough of that in the normal run of play, thankyouverymuch.

Today saw what the esteemed Mr. Fripp would likely call an "e-flurry." It could signal a couple significant changes (okay, one) in the musical lay of the land, but then again, maybe not. As promised, I'm making some efforts to land solo gigs again, including the oft-discussed look at hitting the sandwich shop circuit. On the audient side of the equation, I once again waited too long for tickets to a Metro show. This reluctance to play Ticketmaster fees is going to be the end of me one of these days. I have some strings to pull that may resolve the immediate issue in hopefully impressive fashion.

Elsewhere, the latest effort is to just watch how much I eat rather than what. Although, a little of that, too. This will require a bit better reading comprehension than exhibited in today's grocery store run, along with the much-ballyhooed principle of not going food shopping when you're hungry.


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