NP: Emerson, Lake & Palmer, Brain Salad Surgery (CD)
Well, I think I got that out of my system. Literally and figuratively. On the former, I'm not quite sure if it was quality or quantity. Regarding the latter, you have to hit something in order to bounce back, don't you? The wall seemed harder this time, though, and the running start into it, which started sometime Thursday, certainly didn't help.
So, muddling your head in order to clear it. Subtraction through addition.
I would be remiss if I didn't thank all those who attended, Les, Phineas, Geno and Steve for buying, and Mike for the t-shirt. Yes, I turned 34 and all I did get was this lousy t-shirt. Okay, it's actually a very nice US Soccer t-shirt. Oh, and a rapidly dwindling hangover, thanks to the combined forces of coffee, naproxyn and the restorative power of the Sausage McMuffin (tm).
Interesting how the focus over here has clearly switched from thinking out loud about all sorts of stuff around me to just me, but given the extreme marshalling of forces required to keep the good ship Coz running of late, I don't consider that surprising. All of politics is local, and you don't get more local than this.
Just be thankful I didn't actually post anything yesterday, as that might have effected an intervention of sorts. As it stood, I almost got one from my roommate, but I think she saw the value in letting me flail to exhaust the negative energy. I got one of the two phone calls I needed to get to make it an actual good day, then shit met fan with remarkable velocity. Now that I've had time to process it, the effect on my livelihood might not be so pronounced, but the personal sense of it is still ringing in my ears a bit.
And yet, I've been here before. This time might be a little more tangled. is not spamming you -- please read
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Housekeeping note
January 2, 2014
Slacker Profiteering
July 7, 2013
In My Defense
June 20, 2013
When A Foul Isn't A Foul
February 5, 2013
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